Lets be honest. We live together so honesty is really needed. You have a funny shape. I know I have a funny shape as well, but I can blame mine on giving birth.
But like I hide my shape under cloths so lets see what we can do for you. (and not to be overly personal- you need a bath)
This is my second time trying to make this thing fit my idea of a chandelier. But my first time just made it look like a bird had landed and nested in the lamp. I had used the beaded wire garland you see on my messy kitchen table. I wrapped it around the center and, well, made a nest. Now several months later I've decided to take another swing at it.
This time I took the wire and followed the shape of the lamp. It was about this point in the process that my 1 yr old came up to me and said, "Mommy, PRETTY!" I took that as a sign that this might be working out.
This is it. I'm not entirely sold. My husband is not commenting which means he's not in love with it, but he's letting it ride for the moment. Overall I believe I reached the goal of adding a softer look to the piece. It's a little woodsy looking-- if your definition of woodsy includes beaded leafs.
What do you think?